

Hypodermic Remodeling Cream

Size: Tube 200 ml

Special emulsion formulated with the aim of guaranteeing an effective, prolonged massage of the areas affected by cellulite and localized fat deposits in order to reshape the body.
In particular, Glaucine inhibits the differentiation of adipocytes, decreases fat deposits, reduces water retention and increases suppleness.
An association of Caffeine, Carnitine, Escin, GHK Tripeptide, TeaHydroiodide and Ivy (Hedera Helix Extract) proves extremely effective in shaping the body.

The synergy of these active ingredients in combination with massage accelerates and stimulates lipolysis within the adipocytes, facilitating the removal of lipids from fat tissue.

Firming up

Principi ATTIVI

It is an ingredient that has demonstrated great effectiveness in the treatment of cellulite-induced blemishes because it prevents cells from transforming into adipocytes, instead favoring their evolution into a type of tissue similar to that of fibroblasts. In this way, it reduces fat deposits (pads), improves water retention and makes the skin suppler and firmer. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Sage Oil
Indicated in the treatment of oily skin by virtue of its sebum regulating and decongestant properties.
Lipo-Venotonic System
It is a system containing a series of active ingredients (Caffeine, Carnitine, Escin, GHK Tripeptide, Tea-Hydroiodide and Ivy) capable of helping prevent the onset of cellulite and counteract its effects. It provides a lipolytic action and a venotonic effect by activating microcirculation. Trials and research studies demonstrate its performance capacity, which is combined with a slimming effect and the improvement of skin conditions characterized by an "orange peel" effect.
The main result of the constant use of Body-D is the improvement of the silhouette, accompanied by improved circulation, reduction of water retention and greater tone of the tissues.

Smooth the product over the areas being treated, massage in circular motions , from bottom to top until completely absorbed.


Find out how to top off your care and beauty routine with products specific to your skin's needs, to use in the morning and at night. A daily routine combined with some special treatments ensures healthy and glowing skin, at all ages.

Volcanic Mineral Scrub
Mineral Scrub in the Shower
Volcanic Mineral Scrub
Mineral Scrub in the Shower
Atlantis Bio-Research
Tube 200 ml
Draining Firming Action
Draining Firming Action
Atlantis Bio-Research
Spray bottle 200 ml


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