

Prolonged-Release Cold Leg Gel

formato: Tube 200 ml

Menthol and Menthyl Lactate are the main ingredients of this velvety gel boasting anti-fatigue and refreshing properties. Its peculiarity lies in the prolonged release formulation, which guarantees a gradual release of the freshness effect and, therefore, a long-lasting action.
The benefits of daily use concern the improvement of the skin micro-circulation and a pleasant sensation of lightness from the ankles to the legs.

Thanks to the draining action stimulated by massage, Freeze Gel proves to be the ideal treatment in the summertime and whenever the legs appear swollen and heavy (even during pregnancy).

The benefits of daily use concern the improvement of skin micro-circulation and a pleasant sensation of lightness and freshness from the ankles to the legs.

Apply starting from the ankles and massage up to the thighs and buttocks. Apply again as need be.


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